
There are more than 100 recommendations on my LinkedIn page. A few are copied below.

“I was fortunate to work with Maria when she was WGU’s Director of Learning Design. Maria is more than just a rare talent in the instructional design and edtech space – she’s a game-changer in terms of strategy and implementation. If ever you seek a senior consultant or solutions architect to help map, plan, and execute your path toward effective online, competency-based, or adaptive/personalized learning programs and processes, look no further than Maria Andersen and her team.”
Brent Capriotti, Curriculum Program Manager, WGU
October 4, 2016
“Maria Anderson is a thought leader like no other. I had the privilege of working with and learning from her with our Adaptive Technology products through McGraw-Hill Education. Her creativity, drive and ability to see a creative solution to serve the best needs of the customer was extremely helpful. I also have had the privilege of being an audience member at a few of Maria’s presentations regarding technology and education. She manages to craft her talks to be a perfect balance of information and entertainment. Maria’s versatile interests and aptitudes are an asset to any institution.”
Amy Koenigscnecht, Product Manger, MHE
November 18, 2015
“I highly recommend Maria Andersen for any kind of position that requires intelligence, flexibility, creativity, thoughtfulness and hard work. Her range of expertise is ever-widening; she is a lifelong learner that can inspire others to challenge themselves as well.”
Elizabeth Falconer, Director of Innovative Teaching and Learning, Renton Technical College
June 7, 2013
“Maria helped inform my research on the post secondary student experience at the Business Innovation Factory. She provided expert knowledge of critical systems and student level issues that amplified the value of our efforts. I believe Maria’s voice, work and vision are invaluable in advancing the integration of the student centered education that must be included in our nation’s future. I look forward to the next opportunity to work with Maria”
Christopher Finlay, Business Innovation Factory
September 23, 2009
“I first met Maria Anderson when she presented on Web 2.0 and learning at the same conference I keynoted. I was blown away by her combination of knowledge, deep commitment to learning, creativity, and energy. Her willingness to practice what she preaches – using mapping software, having students multitask and use social media – provides her work with an extra level of integrity. And her excitement about learning is infectious.”
Bryan Alexander, Director of Research, NITLE
September 11, 2009
“It may seem, from a review of her work and her blog, that Maria Andersen’s aim is to change the way instructors teach math. She in fact has a far more ambitious mission: to change the way students LEARN math. Hundreds of thousands of students begin community college each year lacking the math skills they need to succeed. Community college instructors have the daunting task of teaching those students all the skills they did not learn in high school, in half the time or less. The failure rate is high—teaching the same thing the same way produces a predictably similar result. Maria uses technology to change the game for these students, helping them to discover math concepts for themselves and to internalize them. She animates the pedagogy with social interaction, creative media, and inquiry. She facilitates discovery, so students’ experience of learning math is transformed from a mass of intimidating facts to a system of ideas that make sense. At most community colleges, resources are tight and time is scarce. Innovation is difficult to implement when just keeping up is a challenge. Maria makes innovation practical. She evangelizes tools and techniques that work, leveraging her personal investment in research and practice to benefit the large community of math instructors. Students who succeed at math for the first time and succeed in community college can transform their lives and the lives of their families. Maria’s work is changing the world, one “aha” moment at a time.”
Donna Kelley, Product Manager, Cengage Learning
September 22, 2009
“It is my great pleasure to write an endorsement for Maria Andersen. I have been reading her blog, Teaching College Mathematics, for a couple years now, and have been greatly enriched by her attitude and expertise. I also attended the workshop she gave this past summer on using technology in teaching math at the college level, and returned home with new insights, tools, and motivation. I am a better college math teacher because of my contact with Maria in several ways. There are quotidian examples, like being able to type math much faster which makes my printed materials more useful to my students. The way I organize my online classes and resources is better pedagogically as a result of Maria’s posts, plus it’s easier for me to find things! Many resources she shares make their way into my classes, sometimes as a comic to spark a thought-provoking discussion, sometimes as a video to clarify a difficult point, sometimes as an approach to getting students involved in classroom activities. Maria also got me started on Facebook, and I’m cautiously approaching twitter; both are definitely great tools for learning, whether mine or my students’. And there are big picture ways Maria has inspired me, like managing my career and giving back to the math teaching community by choosing something I want to learn about and making a commitment to give a presentation about it several months in the future. I think one of the largest influences Maria has had on my teaching has been attitudinal: not being afraid to try something new, sharing excitement and enthusiasm for this work we all believe in, and thinking more deeply about how technology can be harnessed to benefit our students. Thank you Maria for your wonderful example and willingness to share so freely!”
Kari Richards–Dinger, Mathematics Instructor, Riverside Community College
September 20, 2009
“I went to observe Maria teach. I wanted to see how she used technology. I thought I’d gather a few ideas about our software and how to make it better– which I did. I had no idea I’d leave with a new hope for education in general and for her students, specifically. Maria’s passion, her connection with the students all seem to push her to find the right solution (technical and otherwise) for teaching. She pushes her students, she pushes us vendors and she’s pushing education to be way, way better than it would be without her. She’s a gem.”
Troy Stein, Product Manager, TechSmith
June 10, 2008
“I routinely describe Maria Andersen as the most knowledgeable person about using technology in teaching mathematics. She has done a wonderful job sharing her expertise through her blog (which I often reference in my interactions with faculty at my own institution), her MCC Math and Technology workshops (I did attend the 2009 workshop), her traveling workshops/presentations at other campuses, and participation in the efforts of national organizations like the Mathematical Association of America and the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges. She is astonishingly productive and creative, and she richly deserves support to continue her distinguished contributions to mathematics education.”
Bruce Yoshiwara, Professor of Mathematics, Los Angeles Pierce College
September 11, 2009
“Maria has served an example, role model, helpful colleague and professional development provider. I first learned about Maria’s blog less than six months ago. Finding it and following it has transformed my teaching and my professional life. Because of her blog I added many helpful updates to my online teaching. And I was encouraged to Twitter. Following her on twitter, I joined a network of other educators and innovators with who I share resources and, more importantly, discussions about a transformative way of educating. This summer, I attended her BootCamp for faculty like me. Through the training, and through her example, we were all educated, energized, connected and transformed. Maria serves as en example of an innovative educator. She selflessly shares her findings and her work with others to use to enhance their teaching. I look forward to remaining a fan of Maria’s. Where she will go and what she will do – I dare say no one can imagine.”
Susan McCourt, Instructor of Mathematics, Bristol Community College
September 12, 2009
“Wow! When you’re talking technology and math instruction in the same breath, you HAVE to hear Maria Andersen’s name in the conversation. Not only is she passionate about mathematics instruction, she is just as passionate about using technology to accomplish instructional objectives. Getting students involved? It’s a foregone conclusion! Not up for debate. She is hands-down, THE expert in teaching college math with technology.”
Bob Mathews, Director of Training, Design Science, Inc.
June 7, 2008
“Maria H. Andersen is almost single-handedly responsible for my “conversion” to use technology in a math course. She is enthusiastic and tireless in her search for new ways to use technology. Her blog has helped me and other colleagues find new material, new sources and a lot more. She shares her extensive knowledge and above all her enthusiasm in several ways, via her blog, Twitter, Facebook, giving talks on technology, but certainly by organizing a week long workshop for colleagues. During that workshop I have so much, and discovered many different ways to enrich my teaching. By giving the workshop, Maria wants to make sure that the participants themselves then share the new knowledge. Therefore, she is responsible for the enrichment of many community college faculty.”
Kaat Higham, Associate Professor, Mathematics, Bergen Community College
September 11, 2009
“I was grouped with Maria at a conference this year and had extended conversations with her. Two things stand out about Maria as being exceptional: She is a visionary. And she gets things done. This is an unusual and valuable combination.”
Erran Carmel, Professor, American University
September 13, 2009
“Maria is on the cutting edge of using technology in online, hybrid, and traditional classroom math courses. She’s on the prowl for new technology, and uses it in her classes before others even know it exists.”
Rick Meyers, CTO, Aplia
June 9, 2008
“Maria Andersen’s blog and its resources not only help individual educators in their daily work, but also model how educators can form support, research and development communities and networks. It has been a major resource for the Math 2.0 interest group network, Natural Math network, LearnCentral and Classroom 2.0 networks, to name just a few I founded or actively participate in. For a particular example, Maria’s mind maps both summarize important topics (e.g. social web and mathematics) and show how mind maps can be used with students and for professional development and collaboration. Any support Maria can get will definitely go to a very good cause and will have a broad impact on tens of thousands of members in dozens of communities and networks that use her materials regularly.”
Maria Droujkova, Director, Natural Math
September 11, 2009
“It is effortless to write a recommendation for Maria Andersen. Maria has spent the last few years researching, applying, and sharing her knowledge of technology in the classroom—both online and offline. She has a passion for her findings and is eager to share. Maria is an excellent presenter/speaker! She hosted a math conference here at Muskegon Community College in May and spoke to participants who visited from across the country. I had the privilege of viewing their responses to her work and her presentation delivery—they were all awed.”
Sue Meeuwenberg, Instructor/DE Coordinator, Muskegon Community College
June 10, 2008
“Maria is an innovative teacher who is willing to try cutting edge technologies and techniques to help her students learn. What I admire about her approach is her desire to use the tools to engage the students. I’ve seen techno faculty who are fascinated by tools and forget that they are only useful if they reach students. Maria doesn’t lose sight of this key goal. Her enthusiasm and willingness to help other teachers adopt these techniques makes her a real leader in the field.”
Chris Hall, Director of Business Development, WebAssign
June 27, 2008
“Maria is perhaps the most technologically innovative math instructor I have ever met. I have a graduate degree in educational technology (concentration in math/science) and Maria has outpaced nearly everyone in the field. She is at least 2-3 years ahead of technology oriented math instructors, and decades ahead of most tenured university faculty. Her application of new technology in the math classroom is content-driven, student centered, and most importantly, designed to strengthen student learning of mathematics. She is an inspiration!”
Wade James, Professor of Mathematics, West Shore Community College
September 11, 2009
“Maria’s knowledge in using technology in education is always at the leading edge with an strong emphasis on how it fits into teaching. She is an inspirational, dynamic speaker who attracts a wide audience whenever she speaks.”
John Risley, CEO, WebAssign
June 10, 2008
“I am currently working with Maria in the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges. She is a facilitator for the Technology strand of the AMATYC Traveling Workshop. Maria is one of AMATYC’s most passionate and energetic workshop facilitators. As mathematics instruction moves into the online environment, innovation is the key. Teaching online is forcing mathematics faculty to reflect on how we teach mathematics at the college level. Maria is at the forefront of this innovation. She is addressing the issues, facing the challenges, and exploring how to engage students when they are no longer physically in front of us. I am already beginning to see faculty following the path that Maria has made; her ‘silicon’ footprint will be encountered by mathematics faculty exploring the use of technology in teaching mathematics.”
Pat Averbeck, Math Instructor, Edmonds Community College
June 10, 2008
“Maria Andersen is the most technologically driven person I know of in higher education. She is constantly pushing the envelope when it comes to online and face-to-face learning. Her abilities to use Web 2.0 tools, creation of new learning objects, and adapting current technologies to higher education make her the guru of online learning. I have seen Maria present at conferences, worked with her on developing new learning evironments, and I constantly use her blog to stay current in my field. I give Maria Andersen my highest recomendation to be a presenter at Ted Talks. The world needs to see what education will look like in the near future and Maria is the person to do it. Dan Petrak Des Moines Area Community College”
Dan Petrak, Math Professor, Des Moines Area Community College
June 16, 2008
“Working with Maria has been fantastic. Her insight and feedback have helped us to greatly improve our software for educators. Maria has a fantastic ability to break technology down to the core value that it presents to her students – something that is often easier said than done. This is one of the many reasons that Maria serves on our Educational Advisory Board, which is one of the strongest influences on the direction of our product development.”
Dave McCollom, Education Evangelist, TechSmith
June 27, 2008
“Maria is sincerely dedicated to promoting uses of technology in education. She has done so much to help the college community. Her website and blog are both advanced and very informative. Each time that I’ve heard Maria speak or just had a conversation with her, I have left both informed and inspired. She is a jewel and a pioneer to the college community as we forge ahead in the technology driven world in which we live.”
Rose Jenkins, Instructor, Midlands Technical College
June 20, 2008
“Maria Andersen is more knowledgeable in more areas–and more passionate about sharing it–than any other colleague I know. Her experience with a variety of educational and discipline-specifc tools are helpful to just about anyone whether you’re a novice or experienced educator. Plus she keeps ahead of the game by constantly networking, looking for and sharing new ideas. I’ve become hooked on her blog along with everyone else in our department, and I could say the same for hundreds of math professors around the world interested in teaching math with technology. Anyone who shares that interest is lucky to have the purple calc teacher around!”
Fred Feldon, Professor, Coastline Community College
June 30, 2008
“Maria is a highly motivated, dedicated professional. She is always coming up with new and innovative ways to use technology in her courses. On her own time she has enthusiastically instructed/introduced many individuals on our faculty and staff on how to incorporate technology to make our jobs easier. She is passionate about her work and because of that she has gained the respect of her colleagues and students. I believe Maria is a leader in incorporating technology into the classroom, and is already demonstrating to the rest of us how the classroom of the future will operate.”
Sally Birkam, Director of Student Life, Muskegon Community College
June 9, 2008
“Maria is a very talented individual who is devoted to teaching mathematics. I recently attended a workshop conducted by Maria on the use of Camtasia, MathType, and other software in the teaching of online and hybrid mathematics courses. The workshop was very well organized and everyone in attendance learned a lot and have plans to use what they learned in courses this fall. Maria and I are currently working with others in the group on various projects including grant applications to NSF and other organizations. She is an enthusiastic, hardworking mathematics professor who is very creative in her teaching and presentations.”
Darrell Abney, Professor, Maysville CTC
June 13, 2008
“Maria is an innovative instructor to students and an excellent mentor to her colleagues. She has an exceptional knowledge of mathematics, technology, and the pedagogy that brings the two together. She has an awesome ability to create in her classroom—whether traditional or online—a rich and relevant experience where students learn as a community. Maria has demonstrated a desire for continuous improvement by setting a high standard of excellence for herself and her colleagues. Personally, Maria has been an outstanding mentor to me and has been an invaluable resource and key factor in my growth as an instructor.”
Jill Mueller, Mathematics Instructor, Muskegon Community College
June 26, 2008
“Maria is enormously motivated both in her pursuit of new technology and her passion for sharing the benefits of this technology with other educators to help improve mathematics education. I have been a student of Maria’s as well as working on publishing projects with her. Her enthusiasm for teaching and making education more relevant to her students is infectious. I don’t think anyone can listen to Maria talk about technology in education for more than 5 minutes without becoming a convert.”
Meg Arthur, TA – Mathematics, University of Kentucky
June 26, 2008
“Maria H. Andersen is AWESOME! I was both impressed and fascinated with her brillance from the on start. She is always on the cutting-edge of technology. I have attended three of her math technology workshops. I acquired a wealth of knowledge. I left the workshops with a thirst to know more and to put in practice my new acquired knowledge. I know that she will shake the technology universe as we know it with her new discoveries.”
Cherie Brown, Research Analyst, Mott Community College
June 11, 2008
“I would like to give my highest recommendation for Maria H. Andersen as a teacher of technology and its use in the teaching of college level mathematics. I had the privilege and pleasure of taking a week-long technology seminar from Maria at Muskegon Community College. As a novice user and someone who takes a lot of time to process new knowledge, I appreciated Maria and her expertise on a multitude of levels. Maria has the most technology knowlege of any Mathematics Instructor that I know; she is constantly updating and upgrading her knowledge and is truly on the leading edge of whatever is available to technophiles– she is so up-to-speed on what is out there in the world of peripherals, hardware and software that I don’t know when she finds time to sleep! Maria’s skill as a teacher is phenomenal! Maria respected and encouraged my learning process; she made me very comfortable by addressing all of my (many) questions and explaining things in ways that resonated with how I process and make sense of new knowledge. At the beginning of the seminar, Maria stated that her intention was to make us aware of the power of web-based learning and to share her knowledge of the best available online resources and software. She accomplished this goal and made me hungrier to learn and do more with technology for my own students. The seminar energized me about incorporating technology in my classes. I plan to take as many workshops as I can with Maria and to hire her as a consultant for personalized guidance.
Lisa Winch, President of MichMATYC, Instructor at Kalamazoo Valley Community College
June 10, 2008
“Maria and I have worked together in several instances…as faculty members for the same organization, as student/faculty when she took one of my classes and as students together learning new software. She is comfortable in leading and following, managing and organizing, creating new pathways and following established footsteps. She is intrigued by new technology and passionate about helping others learn it. Her creativity was obvious when she helped develop a final drawing project for my Illustrator CS2 class as well as numerous other instances where we collaborated. My teaching style and use of technology has changed as a result of my relationship with Maria!”
Nancy Slater, Graphic Design Faculty, Muskegon Community College
June 10, 2008
“I’m happy to write a letter of recommendation for Maria H. Andersen. I first became aware of Maria’s work with technology and mathematics when she presented an impromptu workshop at the annual American Association of Two Year Colleges convention this past October. Another presenter had been scheduled but failed to appear, and Maria and another faculty member stepped up to present a really good workshop on the use of tablet PC’s, smartboards, Jing, and other technology-based products to help in communicating mathematics. I was so excited after their presentation that I had to know more. At the conference, Maria shared her blog “Teaching College Mathematics” with the group and I have been a fan ever since. If I want to find out if there’s something new out there to help me teach math, I always check Maria’s blog first. If I have a question regarding technology I can check on her blog and sometimes get help. Sometimes I check the blog if I just want a good laugh. From May 12 – 16 I flew from southern California to Muskegon, MI to attend a math and technology workshop that Maria put together. It was packed with all kinds of applications (MathType, PowerPoint, Jing, Snag-It and Camtasia) and new ways to use these applications. Even when I thought I knew an application, Maria found a way to surprise me with features that I didn’t know about. It’s sometimes hard to find really creative methods of teaching math and Maria had plenty of examples. The most impressive thing about Maria is that she loves teaching – not only her students but other teachers. She has been willing to share her experiences and hard work so that we can all communicate math better.”
Sheila Pisa, Associate Professor, Mathematics, Riverside Community College
June 9, 2008
“Maria Andersen is one of the most energetic and enthusiastic instructors that I have had the privilege to learn from. Maria is very skilled with a variety of technology and has an amazing ability to present information to all individuals no matter what their skill level. I was so impressed with Maria Andersen and her ability to disperse knowledge and to engage other educators. She also provided a supportive environment to continue our learning and sharing through the use of technology. Her passion is contagious and I believe that she has inspired many educators. Maria Andersen’s skills and her desire to share will help develop the best educators possible. I am delighted that she is the president elect for the Michigan Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges and truly look forward to continuing to learn from her.”
Anna Cox, Mathematics Faculty, Kellogg Community College
June 9, 2008
“Maria Andersen has served as a technology mentor for me. Through our professional encounters, I have been inspired and energized to once again be creative and advance the cause for effective technology integration at my own institution. As an instructional designer, I provide faculty development for those teaching online or hybrid courses, or otherwise enhancing their teaching with technology. Technology moves forward so quickly, I was overwhelmed and feeling very behind. Maria encouraged me, taught me, and excited me about the possibilities again. I have utilized some of her examples in my own teaching, in faculty development workshops, and in my own doctoral course work. Maria’s energy and excitement for teaching and learning is infectious and I am honored to have the opportunity to say so. I highly and without reservation recommend Maria for this fellowship, knowing that if you do, you will be more than pleased with your selection. She will serve you and others well! ”
Glenna Decker, Instructional Designer / Adjunct faculty, Grand Valley State University
June 10, 2008