Yesterday I spoke at the Education Summit of the World Future Society 2011 Conference about the idea for SOCRAIT (a vision for an education future where learning is personal). Â Thanks to an audience member from the front row for volunteering to record the talk.
Here are some related links:
- Learn This Button World Future 2011 (this year’s talk, amateur recording)
- Where’s the “Learn This” Button? (20-minute version, TED-style talk, professional recording)
- Prezi for Where’s the Learn This Button (the illustration)
- Levers of Change World Future 2010 (last year’s talk, amateur recording)
- Levers of Change in Higher Education (recorded at ITC eLearning Conference, professional recording)
- Prezi for Levers of Change
- The World is My School: Welcome to the Age of Personalized Learning (article about SOCRAIT in The Futurist)