Best Practices for Remote Teaching with Dr. Maria Andersen
Suppose you suddenly have to teach from home for several weeks. Or rather, several students are suddenly quarantined at home and cannot attend class. Shifting to remote teaching can be easier with the tips you’ll learn in this session. In fact, you might even find that teaching remotely has some pedagogies that are near impossible to adopt in a face-to-face classroom. Maria Andersen, has been using remote teaching and synchronous online teaching for a decade, and will share some tips and best practices for making your remote classes run smoothly.
Discussion Boards: Creating Meaningful Dialog
Discussion boards have been utilized for online learning for decades, but are we using them as effectively and efficiently as we can? Do you worry that your discussion boards feel more like busy work than a community of learning? You might notice students are just going through the motions: posting questions and completing tasks for points.
In this webinar, you’ll learn best practices for creating engaging discussion board assignments and inspiring more dynamic and meaningful online learning experiences. We’ll also go over best practices for creating rubrics and grading your discussion board assignments based on what they are learning.
Summative Assessments and Remote Teaching
Suppose you suddenly have to teach from home for several weeks. Or rather, several students are suddenly quarantined at home and cannot attend class. Shifting to remote teaching can be easier with the tips you’ll learn in this session. In fact, you might even find that teaching remotely has some pedagogies that are near impossible to adopt in a face-to-face classroom. Maria Andersen, has been using remote teaching and synchronous online teaching for a decade, and will share some tips and best practices for making your remote classes run smoothly.
Tuning Your Remote Teaching
Remote teaching and learning can be every bit as effective and rewarding as in-person experiences. Learn strategies and tips that can make all the difference for you and your students.