On Saturday I spoke on the Live Stage at the Maker Faire in Detroit. The stage was in the Henry Ford Museum and it was the first time I have ever spoken under an airplane.
Description: Never has there been a time where information could be so freely found outside of formal education. It’s a time when you can learn just about anything you desire. However, it’s not enough to just have access to the information. To engage in learning (in or outside of education) you need to have the essential ingredients and a good recipe. What can you do today to enhance the effectiveness of free-range learning, and how will the DIY movement affect learning in the future?
This prezi has a fabulous new illustration by Mat Moore (the house of free-range learners/makers).
We did record a video, but I’ll warn you right now that while the audio is good, the video quality is not fantastic (the room was dark).
I only had about two weeks notice to come up with a presentation for this event, so this was quite a bit of work in a short time frame. Hope you enjoy it!