Today, I’m sending you to read this article “21st Century Learning: ‘We’re Not Even Close‘ from THE Journal. This article summarizes the highlights of a paper published jointly by SETDA, ISTE, and the Partnership for 21st Century Learning, called Maximizing the Impact: the Pivotal Role of Technology in a 21st Century Education System.
Here are some highlights (or lows, depending on how you look at it):
- “education is dead last in technology use compared with all major industrial sectors, and that has to change in order for schools to meet the challenges of 21st century learning”
- we need to incorporate technology comprehensively to prepare students for 21st century skills
- technology needs to be used to support innovative teaching & learning
- educators need training in 21st century skills themselves… our skills have become outdated as our schools have become outdated.
Did you catch that last one? TRAINING!!!
It took me a while to find a working link to the actual report, but I did find one here. This is a report aimed primarily at K-12, but keep in mind that K-12 students eventually become College students … and some of our community college students are really catching up on skills they should’ve learned in their K-12 eduction. If K-12 catches up with technology, and we don’t… well, you can imagine how that will go down!