Wrought iron fence

Wrought iron fence

Iron, a versatile and abundant metal, has played a crucial role in human history, shaping the course of civilizations for millennia. First discovered in meteorites, iron’s use can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians around 3000 BCE. However, the widespread extraction and utilization of this metal accelerated during the Iron Age, which began around 1200 BCE. This period witnessed the replacement of bronze, ushering in a new era of advanced tools, weaponry, and infrastructure. Iron’s malleability, tensile strength, and ability to withstand high temperatures made it a fundamental material for various industries, including agriculture, construction, and transportation. The Industrial Revolution further transformed the importance of iron, with the advent of the Bessemer process and other advancements in steelmaking, propelling it to become the backbone of modern society.


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• Part of the Technology & Society: Material Sciences materials

Learning Objectives

• Explain the historical significance of iron in human development shaping various aspects of society.
• Explain where iron comes from and the various processes of extracting iron from its ore.
• Identify the differences between iron, cast iron, wrought iron, and steel.
• Analyze the importance of iron and steel in modern society.

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