This afternoon I gave a talk at the Michigan MAA / MichMATYC meeting, which turns out to be about 95% MAA and 5% MichMATYC folks. That’s unfortunate, because I suspect we have a lot to teach each other between 2-year and 4-year institutions.So, my talk was called Exploring Online Calculus, and it was the first talk that I’ve done in the minimalist style. I’ve seen a lot of high quality presentations (on the Internet) from TED Talks, Authors@Google, Larry Lessig, and Presentation Zen. These very simple (but powerful) PowerPoint presentations inspired me to try out the “minimalist” style for this 20-minute talk.
The difficult task was figuring out what to include. How do you even begin to scratch the surface of what I’ve learned about teaching online math in the last year and a half? I’ve been blogging for almost 10 months about everything I’ve learned, and, the thought of boiling it into 20 minutes, for a crowd that mostly knew very little about online math, was daunting.
You might not know it from the presentation, but it took close to five hours to build.
Uploaded on authorSTREAM by  wyandersen
If you don’t want to click through the presentation, let me just share with you my three favorite slides.

So, if you’re reading this blog for the first time, welcome! I hope you enjoyed the presentation (and my experimentation with the mimimalist style). If you, or your department, needs some help getting started, please contact me and we’ll try to make it happen.