Well, I’d like to say I know exactly how to do this, but I’m still researching the theory behind this one and experimenting a bit myself.
I would like to send you to a recent issue of the Educause Review called “Back to School: It’s All About the Faculty” This issue contains several articles about the difficulty of getting faculty to adopt technology in their teaching and the challenges faced by faculty who try to learn new technologies.
There are three articles that I’d recommend reading here:
- Active Learning and Technology: Designing Change for Faculty, Students, and Institutions (Moore, A. H., Fowler, S. B., and Watson, C. E., 2007)brings up the necessity of also teaching students how to learn in new ways. If you’ve ever tried something new in your class, surely you’ve had students that “push back” against anything contrary to lecture… so you know what they’re talking about here.
- My Computer Romance (Campbell, G., 2007) is a meandering story about how the author finally “fell in love” with technology. What I found to ring true about this one was his idea that for every faculty member, there is some “hook” that will get them to finally bring technology into their classroom and use it in their teaching. The real trick is finding the requisite hook, and everyone will have a different one.
- Faculty 2.0 (Hartman, J. L., Dziuban, C., and Brophy-Ellison, J., 2007) outlines the impact of technology on faculty in particular.
All of the articles are available free as pdf files.