I want to take a moment to recommend a few excellent podcasts in support of #blacklivesmatter and to help educate about systematic poverty, racism, and inequality in the U.S. I’m sure there are other great podcasts I’ve missed out on. If you have any to recommend, please shoot me an email at busynessgirl on gmail.
WASHINGTON D.C., USA – MAY 31, 2020: Protest Black Lives Matter protesters march after death George Floyd, group standing against White House Donald Trump president US

As educators, I think we owe it to our students to go learn more about the issues of the day. I find podcasts have been an excellent way to learn more about all topics I am not familiar with. You can listen while you hike, walk the dogs, watch your children play, garden, craft, cook dinner, etc.

If you’ve never listened to podcasts before, just download one of the podcast apps (personally, I like Overcast). Then search for the name of the podcast, and download the season or all episodes. You can also choose to subscribe to receive new episodes.

The following podcasts are all ones I have listened to in their entirety over the last few years, and I found them educational and eye-opening about the issues of systemic poverty, racism, and socioeconomic inequity. If you feel like you should be doing something, but for you it’s not protesting, then please become a more educated citizen.

The 2nd season of “In the Dark” is about the Curtis Flowers case. To understand just how systemic racism in some counties is, you have to listen to the whole podcast. Don’t jump to the end.

You should listen to every episode of “The 1619 Project” because there is a lot you weren’t taught in school about slavery. For example, did you know mortgages were developed by banks so that plantation owners could borrow against the value of their slaves? (sorry – that was a spoiler).

The 3rd season of “Serial” walks you through an American court system and all the people who interact with it. You can’t walk away from this season of Serial thinking that the court system works fairly for all people. In fact, it’s surprising that once arrested, anyone without money escapes with their freedom and bank account.

You should listen to every episode of “More Perfect” which provides the intelligent yet entertaining explanations of major U.S. Supreme Court cases, interviews with the litigants, and behind-the-scenes insights about the judges and the actual court proceedings. I’ve listened to many episodes of this one more than once when I need a refresher, and if you’ve never understood the “Citizens United case, this is probably your only hope. My Business Ethics students loved these podcast episodes.

The 1st season of “The Uncertain Hour” covers the modern-day U.S. welfare system and it’s safe to say that you have no idea where the money in the federal welfare program is actually going. Especially with COVID-19 causing such high unemployment rates, you owe it to yourself to become more educated before griping about “all the people on welfare.” This podcast is still going strong, and it looks like the 4th season is also addressing many equity issues.

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