I started blogging with “Busynessgirl” on June 24, 2007. Here is the story.
When my partner (who generally does not advocate me doing any more than I already do) suggested that it was time for me to start blogging and stop sending mass emails with funny pictures of “what the dog did,” I finally decided that it was time to dive into the blogging world. In particular, I was about to go to Eastern Europe for a month and it seemed like a good way to chronicle the trip for everyone who was not going with.
Blogging is a strange beast in academia. At this time, The Chronicle of Higher Education had written several stories related to how blogging might damage the credibility of academicians during their job searches. So their advice to the blogging academic might be to remain completely anonymous, with nothing to link your blog back to the school that you work for.
However, I couldn’t see how it was possible for me to divorce myself from my academic life, my work life, or my consulting business. So, I decided to launch an experiment in careful blogging. I hoped I can find a way to strike a balance between sharing the events in my life (for those that would like to read) without damaging my credibility or getting myself in trouble where I work.
Why “Busyness Girl”? At a birthday party long ago, when I was working on an M.B.A. at the University of Wyoming, my husband put “Happy Birthday Busy-ness Girl” on the cake. Those of you who know me, know that “busy” is a way of life for me, so it seemed like the appropriate title for a blog.