Informational, sales, and incentive promotions each play a vital role in the marketing landscape, catering to different objectives and consumer needs. Informational promotions focus on educating potential customers about a product or service, helping them make informed decisions and building trust in the brand. Sales promotions, such as discounts, limited-time offers, and rebates, create a sense of urgency, encouraging consumers to make a purchase while the deal lasts. These promotions can boost short-term sales and clear excess inventory. Incentive promotions, such as loyalty programs and referral bonuses, foster customer loyalty and advocacy by rewarding repeat purchases and brand evangelism.
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Learning Objectives
• Explain how informational promotions, sales promotions, and incentive promotions work as part of a marketing strategy.
• Analyze real-world examples of marketing promotions to accurately identify and categorize them as informational, sales, or incentive promotions.
• Apply the principles of informational, sales, and incentive promotions to develop promotional strategies for existing companies.
Purchase Marketing – Promotion: Informational, Sales, and Incentive at the Edge of Learning storefront.
Utah CTE Alignment – Marketing 1 (May 2022)
Strand 6
• Promotion: Students will be able to explain the concept of promotion
Standard 1:
• Explain the role of promotion as a marketing function.
• Identify elements of the promotional mix (sales promotions, incentive promotions, informational promotional promotions).
Standard 2:
• Understand promotional channels used to communicate with the target market.
• Discuss examples of sales promotions which include: subscriptions, coupons, loyalty programs, samples, premiums, sponsorship, and product placement.