I spent most of the day yesterday compiling data from the last four CBMS reports to get a sense of how widely adopted reform instructional practices are being used in mathematics. The graphs are interesting. You will probably want to view these with full screen to see all the graph details.
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Some general trends:
Community College math faculty adopt reform instructional strategies at higher rates than 4-yr instructors.
PhD faculty at 4-yr schools have the lousiest adoption rates for everything except for Online Resource Systems (can you say online homework in large lecture sections?). To be fair, they tend to teach more large lecture hall sections, and may find it more difficult to use strategies like writing and group assignments with 100+ students.
Graphing Calculators are the most-widely adopted reform instructional strategy.
Use of Group Assignments, Writing Assignments, and Computer Assignments has been sliding backwards. Since community college faculty seem to be more willing than 4-year instructors to adopt instructional innovations, and they are rejecting these, it should be interesting to see why.